If you are the type that pays up the bills on your credit card on time each month; do not open & close accounts frequently; always up to date with loan repayment, and stay away from negative financial terms such as being bankrupt and becoming a tax alien, your reward will be a befitting credit score.
Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of good credit habits. That is why we need to know our credit status, as well as how we can improve our credit score.
This is where Credit Karma comes in handy. Keep reading to find out how Credit Karma can help you fix some of your credit issues.
What is Credit Karma?
Credit Karma happens to be a personal finance service. It is a financial management platform that offers free credit scores and reports. There are a couple of other related services that are also provided. They are situated in Canada, the UK, and the US.
Headquartered in the US, Credit Karma was founded by Ryan Graciano, Nichole Mustard, and Kenneth Lin. They provide their customers with services like credit reports, credit scores, tax preparation, and credit monitoring.
For approximately 14 years, Credit Karma has also remained a force to be reckoned with in the fintech industry. With a workforce numbering up to 700 employees, it is obvious that Credit Karma has expanded over the years. It means they are making huge progress as a company.
Credit Karma has assisted their customers to improve their credit scores. Their services are highly sought after due to the significance of credit scores
Is Credit Karma bad for your credit?
Subscribing to Credit Karma has no direct perverse consequences on your credit score. That is why you can check your credit score on the platform, and your credit information will not be affected.
Credit Karma is a genuine website with a notable reputation. In their 14 years stint as a financial services provider, they have never had any fraudulent dealing. Therefore, it is completely safe to work with Credit Karma to know your current credit score.
Credit report checking can be categorized as either soft or hard inquiries. Anytime you perform a credit score check operation on Credit Karma, it is regarded as a soft inquiry.
Soft inquiries have no bearing on your credit. So there is no way checking your credit score on Credit Karma can negatively affect your credit.
How accurate is Credit Karma?
It is okay for you to want to know if Credit Karma’s credit scores are germane. Despite being a service that doesn’t charge their customers any fee, Credit Karma scores are 100% authentic.
How do I know this? They source their credit reports and credit scores from Equifax and TransUnion. There are three well-known consumer credit bureaus, and these two are part of them.
Whatever you see on Credit Karma ought to be genuine information about your credit score. You don’t get any contrary credit information on this platform.
The problem, however, is that Credit Karma scores may not be identical to what you see on some platforms. So the question is – who could be incorrect?
Certainly not Credit Karma! If you are having contrary credit information on other platforms, check their source.
Can You Trust Credit Karma?
Credit Karma is a trustworthy website as far as credit scores and other credit-related services are concerned. Credit information about a particular user on Credit Karma is not falsified or gotten from illegitimate and unaccredited sources.
They pull up your credit information from the databases of accredited credit bureaus. Their credit report about every user is as correct as you would guess.
They understand how important it is for you to know your correct credit score. So they give it to you as it is, so you can make reliable and well-informed decisions.
Unfortunately, not all platforms that render similar services share this same view. As such, some people end up getting misinformed when they seek their credit score from those unscrupulous platforms.
If you have a doubt about any platform that supplies such information, it has to be the other company. Not Credit Karma!
Does Credit Karma have a credit card?
Does Credit Karma issue its own credit card? Some people are still confused concerning what services they can get from Credit Karma. So let us clear the air here completely. Credit Karma is not a company that issues its own credit card. They do not issue a credit card if I understand what you mean.
However, if you are looking forward to applying for a credit card, Credit Karma is one of the best platforms you should go to first.
But wait a minute – if they don’t have a credit card, why do you need to go there? Credit Karma is where you can find thousands of credit card reviews regarding different credit card operators.
You can easily look up various credit operators on the platform and do a detailed comparison on them. This is extremely important since you need to consider several factors before applying for any particular credit card.
How to sign up for Credit Karma?
Getting registered on Credit Karma is straightforward and simpler than you can imagine. It is also worthy to note that it is safe and fast.
Please always remember that they will never request your credit card information during the registration process. If you are wondering what the process looks like, I’ve got to tell you that it’s as simple as providing the necessary information.
If you sign up for Credit Karma today, you can start enjoying all the numerous benefits as soon as possible. But even though you reside in areas where you cannot undertake the registration, there are still other benefits you can enjoy.
For those living outside the US, they can get credit advice, and search for credit cards. They can also leverage the dozens of credit card articles on the site.
To get started with the registration process, hurry now to the Credit Karma official website. You do not even need an account before you can sign up with Credit Karma.
How to get a free credit report from Credit Karma?
It is not enough to know that you can get a credit report from Credit Karma for free. You also need to know how you can make this possible. You need to know whether you qualify for it or not.
Someone who is familiar with credit reports can easily identify their credit report when they see one. But if this is your first time, you may find it difficult to understand the report.
Having said that, accessing your free credit report on Credit Karma is not rocket science. It is something you can easily accomplish with a few steps. This post is going to outline those steps for you.
Follow the steps below;
- Login to your Credit Karma account
- Click on your credit report pages
- Choose your preferred credit report and click on it
- If you want to print the report, there is a button on the right side of the webpage to enable you to print.
- You can print directly from your browser or save the credit report
It is also noteworthy that you don’t have to pay before you can access your credit information here.
Based on the Free Credit Reporting Act, you get to enjoy a free 12months credit report. But with Credit Karma, you don’t have to wait that long. View them anytime you want.
How do I contact Credit Karma for help?
Credit Karma wouldn’t be of much help to anyone if they cannot get help from them when necessary. Right? It is okay to find out how you can reach out to Credit Karma whenever you need help.
It is unfortunate that some companies don’t see things that way. Instead, they have designed their platforms so you can never have direct access to their staff. At Credit Karma, it is exactly the opposite. You can almost get a response from them anytime you reach out.
There are two ways you can make your requests known to Credit Karma. The first option is through a phone call. There are various phone numbers you can call whenever you are having any difficulty.
The phone numbers differ according to the complaints you have. So pick the one that corresponds with the complaint you want to make.
If you are not okay with that option, you can adopt the second option. You can choose to write a letter. The letter should be addressed to the contact address on their web page. Look carefully, you should be able to spot the address without much ado.
Credit Karma understands that prompt response is the soul of any thriving business. They want to help you out as much as they can. That is why they are always willing to get back to their customers. Or anyone who wants to find out anything from them.
How to download the Credit Karma App?
You don’t always have to open Credit Karma on your laptop to access the website. In the mobile apps era, Credit Karma has also made sure you can access the platform on your mobile devices.
There is a Credit Karma application. All you have to do is download and install it on your device. Here is how to go about the download and installation process;
- Firstly, you need to become a member of the platform before you can use the mobile app.
- Go to Google PlayStore or Apple Store for Android and IOS devices respectively to download the application
- Click on the download icon for both IOS and Android applications
- Verify that your device is compatible with the app.
- Click on install, and the app installation process will commence automatically
- When the installation is complete, log in with your credentials.
You don’t have to make any payment before you can download this app for IOS or Android devices. It is completely costless.
You can use this app to accomplish a number of things. With the Credit Karma mobile application, you can view your credit scores for free, file your federal and state tax returns with the Credit Karma Tax, as well as explore financial relief options with their customized Relief Roadmap.
Access Credit Karma services today at your fingertips. If you are not convenient with the website, then log in through your mobile device. It is still the same.
Where does Credit Karma get your credit score?
Some people will only trust Credit Karma if they know where they are getting their credit scores from. If you are one of such people, then you are right to think that way. In fact, do not patronize any of such companies when you don’t know the source of their credit scores.
Let’s start by saying that Credit Karma normally obtains their credit scores from two of the major credit bureaus. They get their credit scores from TransUnion and Equifax. These are authentic sources if you ask anyone who knows about credit reports.
You might want to think that that is where all finance services get their credit information from. Well, I have to tell you that you will be wrong to think like that. Some of them get their credit information from other sources.
There’s a possibility of not getting accurate figures when you fetch the information outside the three major credit bureaus. And when you work with the wrong credit information, you know how devastating that can be to your reputation.
For starters, it can worsen your credit history by making a mess of your credit scores. That is why you need to take this very seriously. You can choose to use Credit Karma if you can’t go through the hassles of finding a genuine one.
How much does Credit Karma cost?
You don’t need to pay any fee before you can access your credit report on Credit Karma. Registering on Credit Karma is totally free. You just log in with your login credentials and do the needful.
And after that, you can have complete access to your credit score and credit reports. Whether you want to save or print them, you can do that without paying a dime.
During registration, you are not required to provide your credit information. Everything has been designed to be straightforward and easy on Credit Karma.
You cannot be on Credit Karma and need to pay some fees. If any fee is involved, then check well, it is not Credit Karma. It is likely that you have hit the wrong website.
Therefore, permit me to reemphasize that Credit Karma is costless. You don’t need money before you can open an account and request your credit scores. All the other services that were mentioned above are also rendered for free.
Credit Karma knows how they make their revenue. It has nothing to do with individual registration or getting their credit scores for them.
Is Credit Karma Accurate?
You have the right to doubt any credit scores you get from other platforms. But if you are getting yours from Credit Karma, then you don’t need to doubt the authenticity of their information.
Credit Karma is 100% accurate when it comes to providing credit information for its members.
They don’t falsify credit scores for their free members. Neither do they get those figures from a third party? The source credit card information is from the right corners.
Credit Karma gets its credit information from accredited sources like Equifax and TransUnion. These credit bureaus are the biggest players when it comes to getting the right credit information.
Not all financial services providers get their credit information from the right sources. It’s a sad development, but that’s the truth. So you might discover that the credit score you get from different platforms may vary considerably. And when you find yourself in that situation, you don’t know which one to believe.
If you ever find yourself in that position where you need to choose between two platforms, choose Credit Karma. That is because ten out of ten times the credit information they will serve you will always be the correct one. There is no doubt about it.
However, if you choose to do otherwise, you might not be so lucky.
Does Credit Karma ruin your credit?
Some people get the impression that their credit will be negatively affected if they do anything on Credit Karma. If you have thought that way, then you should be grateful for reading this piece.
Credit Karma does not ruin your credit score or any other credit parameter of yours. Against what many people think, Credit Karma is harmless regarding how it can affect your credit report.
You can get your credit scores through Credit Karma. Plus, they also have various tools that will help you manage your credit effectively. If there is anything Credit Karma does for you, it is to help you improve your credit score. As long as you are willing to follow their advice and utilize the tools, you will improve your credit information.
Don’t join the bandwagon of those who are criticizing Credit Karma and discouraging others from joining. It is a financial management platform that does not directly affect your credit in any way. You must have that at the back of your mind.
You don’t have to take their credit advice if you are not sure. But if you seek my opinion, I would recommend them because fourteen years is no mean feat achievement.
Is it safe to use Credit Karma?
Whenever you are on Credit Karma, you have one last thing to worry about. And that is safety. Your credit card information is completely safe on Credit Karma. To tell you how transparent they are, they do not request credit card info when you are registering.
Their services have been so arranged that your privacy is not breached in any way. All your data is securely protected from any form of unauthorized access. So you do not have anything to worry about.
Yes, they do allow third parties to advertise on their website. However, that does not necessarily mean they share your credit information with such partners. No one else has access to your information except their staff who are guided by the company’s policy on accessing such information.
If your credit score will not be hampered and your data will not be stolen, then it is safe to use Credit Karma.
Can I create a new Credit Karma account?
You can always create a new Credit Karma account whenever needed. But, you have to be informed of certain changes that might take place in the process.
Like certain information in the previous account cannot be accessed via the new account. For instance, credit report history will be missing in the new account. You will need to view your credit report under the new account to create another credit report history.
That said, it is also recommended that you contact their support before creating a new account. So, you don’t create problems for yourself eventually. Creating a new Credit Karma account is a possibility.
Can I cancel my Credit Karma account?
You can opt-out of the Credit Karma platform if you think that is what is right for you. These guys don’t have any intention of holding you against your will. And you know what? Opting out is as easy as right-clicking your profile and clicking close my account. Click on it and you will no longer be a member of Credit Karma.
In order to have a reputable credit report, one needs a good credit score. And you cannot be so sure of your credit score if you aren’t getting it from a reliable source.
Get your 100% genuine credit score from Credit Karma. You can also use the tools on their platform to reorganize and prioritize your spending goals. And that will ultimately translate to a better credit report.
If you are the type that pays up the bills on your credit card on time each month; do not open & close accounts frequently; always up to date with loan repayment, and stay away from negative financial terms such as being bankrupt and becoming a tax alien, your reward will be a befitting credit score.
Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of good credit habits. That is why we need to know our credit status, as well as how we can improve our credit score. Keep reading to find out how Credit Karma can help you fix some of your credit issues.
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